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The plural form of octopus is the animal version of there their theyre. The Ancient Greek plural ὀκτώποδες octopodes ɒkˈtɒpədiːz has also been used historically.

Is The Plural Of Octopus Octopi Or Octopuses

The correct plural of octopus is octopuses but irregular plural forms for octopus are octopi and octopodes.

Whats the plural of octopus. The standard pluralized form of octopus in the English language is octopuses ˈɒktəpʊsɪz although the Ancient Greek plural octopodes ɒkˈtɒpədiːz has also been used historically. An octopus is a cephalopod mollusk of the order Octopoda. Is it octopi or octopusses.

A marine animal that has a soft rounded body with eight long flexible arms about its base which have sucking disks able to. The word octopi refers to more than one of those animals. The plural is octopuses.

Plural octopuses or octopi -tə-ˌpī Kids Definition of octopus. Modern usage of octopodes is so infrequent that many people mistakenly create the erroneous plural form octopi formed according to. What to Know.

However the word octopus comes from Greek and the Greek plural form octopodes is still occasionally used. Jonathan does a little Latin lesson. Octopi is the oldest plural of octopus coming from the belief that Latin origins should have Latin endings.

Octopus is not a simple Latin word of the second declension but a Latinized form of the Greek word oktopous and its correct plural would logically be octopodes. USAGE The standard English plural of octopus is octopuses. The problem is octopus derives from Greek.

The standard plural in English of octopus is octopuses. Noun plural octopuses octopi ok-tuh-pahy. Despite its relatively common usage octopi is an improper plural.

Whether you write octopi on Reddit say octopodes on a podcast or text octopuses to your friends someone is going to correct you. Octopuses is the next plural which gives the word an English ending to match its adoption as an English word. With more than a 250 species octopuses are members of an ancient group of animals called cephalopods.

The plural form octopi is mistakenly formed according to rules for Latin plurals and is therefore incorrect. Large octopuses have been known to catch and kill some species of sharks. Octopi is also an acceptable plural and one in wide use but you run the risk of being informed that its incorrect.

The plural of octopus is octopuses. Octopuses have a relatively short life expectancy with some species living for as little as six months. The plural form of octopus is octopuses or octopi hypercorrect.

These irregular octopus plurals come from the words Latin and Greek roots. Any octopod of the genus Octopus having a soft oval body and eight sucker-bearing arms living mostly at the bottom of the sea. In Latin some plurals end with an i.

Other words ending in. The noun octopus has a Greek root. The Octopus article has a section Etymology and pluralization.

Why do some dictionaries also list octopi as a possibility. The arms of the octopuses were still squirming and moving and flopping in every direction. The three main plurals for octopus come from the different ways the English language adopts plurals.

People are up in arms about it. Something likened to an octopus as an organization with many forms of far-reaching influence or control. What is the proper plural of octopus.

What is the plural of octopus. However the word octopus comes from Greek and the Greek plural form is octopodes. The standard pluralised form of octopus in English is octopuses.

Is it octopi. We would go with octopuses a perfectly legitimate English pluralform and the oldest attested to. In this episode we look at why and how the word octopus has four correct plurals.

LetThemTalkTV presents a new series Tales From the English Language. Octopi is sometimes used as the plural of octopus. WellAmanda is such a sweet friend that when I opened the box there were not one but TWO octopuses octopi octopuswhateverin there.

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